Little Red Robbing Hood
The other day Rob pointed out that it’s been almost six months since we released our album — and only one video! Certainly, we had to think about firing someone in our production and marketing department. Well, with a quick … Continued
What do you get when you combine luxury drug ships, spurs, two vegans, and a flexitarian?
Certainly something close to our show Thursday March 28th at the Pinhook. Continuing our series of interviews with bands we share the stage with, I asked the bands we’re playing with this Thursday a few questions: What makes a live … Continued
Oh, Seattle
How many ways do I love thy vegan baked goods, thine cars that stop for we by foot, thy moutain-tops and fat olde differently shaped and colored houses, thy coffee beans and Puget sound ships and scenes. Ah, Seattle. We … Continued
New video for “Pockets”
Crank to at least at “360p” on your Youtube quality settings knob. And via Vimeo: Pockets by Beloved Binge (official video) from Eleni Binge on Vimeo. Official video for “Pockets” from the album “Pockets” by Beloved Binge. * * … Continued
Show with Paleface + the Wigg Report 11/30
We’re excited to be playing a show with Paleface and the Wigg Report as our last show of the year. Invite! Here is a great short documentary about Paleface: Our Duke Coffeehouse show with Ellertronic and Ponchos from Peru will … Continued
Shuffle Magazine
Shuffle Magazine’s Hannah Levinson interviewed Eleni Binge (me!) about our new record, Pockets. We were really impressed with her unique questions and approach. Here is an excerpt from the top: Shuffle: Pockets is a tremendous record. Is there a story behind … Continued
Mini Bite-Sized SE Tour
We began our journey in Weston with two differences: the addition of Mike aka “Tofu Mama” on our journey and the debut of Syba, cuddle dog. Cuddles, live at the Flicker Bar She’s usually one to leave the minute you … Continued
On October 12th, Beloved Binge headed to Wilmington, NC, duo-style, and played at the Soap Box with the excellent Dearest We and Ponchos: Big thanks to the bands, the fans, and the Star for recommending the show. … Continued
Big apples and small oranges
We have toured through NYC by extended Chevy cargo van, ’95 Toyota Tercel, ’82 Weston, and now, most recently, by airplane. I must say that I prefer the latter. No parking, driving, or towing. Only walking. Things I … Continued