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I’ve never liked beer, though I wish this were different.  “Let’s go get a beer.”  So casual, so simply elegant.  It’s economical.  Norm drank beer.  So many reasons.  But alas, I do not.  So I ask you this Friday to … Continued

New video for “Pockets”

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Crank to at least at “360p” on your Youtube quality settings knob. And via Vimeo: Pockets by Beloved Binge (official video) from Eleni Binge on Vimeo. Official video for “Pockets” from the album “Pockets” by Beloved Binge. * * … Continued

Shuffle Magazine

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Shuffle Magazine’s Hannah Levinson interviewed Eleni Binge (me!) about our new record, Pockets. We were really impressed with her unique questions and approach.  Here is an excerpt from the top: Shuffle: Pockets is a tremendous record. Is there a story behind … Continued

Mini Bite-Sized SE Tour

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We began our journey in Weston with two differences:  the addition of Mike aka “Tofu Mama” on our journey and the debut of Syba, cuddle dog. Cuddles, live at the Flicker Bar She’s usually one to leave the minute you … Continued


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  On October 12th, Beloved Binge headed to Wilmington, NC, duo-style, and played at the Soap Box with the excellent Dearest We and Ponchos:     Big thanks to the bands, the fans, and the Star for recommending the show. … Continued

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